FERN2021 Presentations

DAY 1: 3rd November, 2021
Speaker Activity/Video
Amos Laar (University of Ghana, MEALS4NCDs)


Opening Session

Welcome address

Phyllis Ohene-Adjei Overview of meeting format & objectives
Damien Conaré (UNESCO Chair for World Food Systems) & Nicolas Bricas (CIRAD, UMR Moisa) Plenary 1: Foodscapes are not just what you see
Solophina Nekesa (ICLEI Africa) Plenary 2: City-level innovations in improving Africa’s food environments and food systems
Peiman Milani (Rockefeller Foundation) Plenary 3: FS-TIP – Food System Transformative Integrated Policy: update on three African country pilots (Ghana, Malawi, and Rwanda)
Mphumuzi Sukati (FAORAF) Plenary 4: Role of FAO in transforming Africa’s Food Environments
Kimberly Neve (City University London) Plenary 5: Understanding Lived Experience of Food Environments to Inform Policy: An Overview of Research Methods
Carmen Klinger (LMU-Munich) & Peter Delobelle (Chronic Disease Initiative for Africa) Plenary 6: Food environments in Africa: Addressing Malnutrition using a Syndemics Approach – The Food-SAMSA Project
Joe Yates (ANH Academy) Plenary 7: Plastic food environments: Concepts and evidence gaps in African contexts
Krystal Rampalli (MEALS4NCDs) Summary of days activities & adjourn
DAY 2: 10th November, 2021
INFORMAS eSymposium Series 2021: Africa
Speaker Topic
Amos Laar (University of Ghana, MEALS4NCDs) & Boyd Swinburn (University of Auckland) Opening Plenary

Welcome – Overview/Symposium objectives

David Nabarro (Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College of London) Keynote 1. Update from the UN Food Systems Summit and next steps: Monitoring for accountability, and shifting the balance of power through collective action
Kelly Garton (INFORMAS Secretariat) INFORMAS Module Updates

Overview of global activities.

Adama Diouf (University Cheikh Anta Diop) Private sector (Business Impact Assessment on obesity and populations) – Senegal
Milka Wanjohi (African Population Health Research Centre) Food-EPI – Uganda/Tanzania

The Food environment policy index (Food -EPI) in Uganda and Tanzania

Amos Laar (University of Ghana, MEALS4NCDs) Food Promotion – Ghana

Implementing the INFORMAS Food Promotion module in Ghana

Stella Nordhagen (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition) Monitoring food systems for the double-burden of malnutrition and sustainability
Abstract Sessions
Category/Speaker Topic/Video
Public Sector Policies / Food Prices / Communication
Ursula Trübswasser Policy action for healthy food environment in Ethiopia to prevent malnutrition in all its forms
Savannah Froese Food systems in Kenya: Gaps and opportunities for optimal nutrition and health outcomes
Morgan Boncyk Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food availability, prices, and consumption in rural Kenya: Variations due to agroecological zone, market access, and gender


Iheme, Gideon Onyedikachi Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on food prices indexes in Nigeria
Natasha Mazonde Media coverage of health promotion Levy in South Africa


Population Diets
Winnie Sambu Evidence and gaps map on consumption of industrial diets among adolescents in Ghana: what does the current evidence tell us
Ortutu Beulah Dietary patterns and sociodemographic characteristics of community-dwelling adults in Umuahia, Nigeria
Julia de Bruyn Applying a food environment lens to understand drivers of fish intake in the African Great Lakes Regions
Cristiana K. Verissimo Gendered home food environments are central to children’s dietary diversity in rural Tanzania
Julia Liguori How do food safety concerns drive consumer behaviours and diets in low-and middle-income countries
Eva-Charlotte Ekström Food availability in residential neighbourhoods and family diet diversity in Addis Ababa
Food Composition / Food Labelling
Tamryn Frank Developing a nutrient profiling model to underpin food and nutrition policies in South Africa               
Lucia Segovia de la Revilla Current availability of food composition data in Sub-Saharan Africa
Makoma Bopape South Africa consumers’ perception of front-of-package warning labels on unhealthy foods
Rina Swart Front-of-package warning labels, a randomised control trial


Geoffrey Adebayo Asalu Low level of food label literacy among households in Accra
Matthew Yosah Konlan Consumer understanding and usage of labels in Ghana: a review of the evidence
Food Retail / Food Promotion
Akosua Pokua Adjei How healthy are our supermarkets? availability of healthy and discretionary ultra-processed foods in supermarkets of selected districts in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana
Tjale Cloupas Mahopo Operational characteristics of women street food vendors in rural South Africa
Noella Nyirangirinshuti Choice of food retail outlets and nutrient intakes among poor-urban dwellers in Kamashangi community, Rwanda
Alice Scaria Khan Child-directed marketing (CDM) strategies on breakfast cereal packaging in South Africa
Patience Mushamiri-Kuzviwanza The marketing and advertisement of sugary food products to children on television in South Africa
Irene Amponsah Kumi Healthiness of foods and beverages advertised on Ghanaian television programs targeting children
School Food Environments
Agnes Erzse Using the behaviour change wheel to identify tailored interventions to improve food environments in public primary schools in urban South Africa
Hanna Y. Berhane Food environment around schools and adolescent consumption of unhealthy food in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Constance A. Gewa Food environment in and around primary school children’s school and neighborhoods in two urban settings in Kenya


Ayala Wineman School meal programs in Africa: Regional results from the 2019 global survey of school meal programs
Mulenga Mary Mukanu Determinants of dietary patterns of school-going adolescents and their policy implications in Zambia
Gideon Senyo Amevinya Heavy marketing of energy-dense nutrient-poor foods around basic schools in Greater Accra Region, Ghana


Speaker Topic
Nzama Lawrence Mbalati (Healthy Living Alliance) Advocacy and Coalition- Building
Boyd Swinburn (University of Auckland) & Peter Delobelle (Chronic Disease Initiative for Africa) Monitoring and Demanding Accountability
Amos Laar (University of Ghana, MEALS4NCDs) Closing Remarks
DAY 3: 17th November, 2021
Speaker Activity
Akua Tandoh (MEALS4NCDs) Opening Session

Welcome/ Overview of activities for the day

Sally Mackay (INFORMAS) & William Masters (Tufts University) Capacity building activities  (Parallel stream)
Rina Swart (University of Western Cape) &  Yassarah Onifade (University Cheikh Anta Diop) Front-of-package warning labels, a randomised control trial / Food Labelling: Adopting a fit-for- purpose Nutrient Profiling Model and Front of Pack labeling (S/A)” and “Food composition database (Senegal)”
Abstract Sessions
Population Diets
Alice Karanja Understanding drivers of food choices in LMIC: a systematic mapping review
Moses Mokaya Environmental factors influencing food intake in Adults with type two diabetes: a Kenyan qualitative study
Annabel Yeboah-Nkrumah Dietary intakes and nutrient gaps in the diets of poor urban Ghanaian women
Charles Lwanga Tumuhe Foodstuff available on market stalls and restaurant in rural-urban centers: a case of Kagadi Town, Uganda
General Food Environments
Magnus Jirström Food environments in Addis Ababa: investigating food availability among households with woman and children under five years of age
Michael Batame Emerging adults attitude and perceptions towards ultra-processed foods, fruit, and vegetables consumption in Ghanaian university foodscape
Sejla Isanovic Perspective about food safety in diverse low- and middle-income countries
Anthony Muchai Manyara Barriers and facilitators of healthy eating in a low-income community in Nairobi Kenya: a qualitative study
General Food Environments / Communication
Kovania Naidoo Investigating and mapping out the food environments within predominantly Indian communities in the city of Durban, South Africa
Semira Abdelmenan Awel The social stratification of availability, affordability and consumption of food in families with pre-schoolers in Addis Ababa: the EAT Addis Ababa study in Ethiopia
Vincent Linderhof Transition pathway for healthy diets in the Accra food environment
Natasha Mazonde (obesity portrayals – social media) Online health communities’ portrayal of obesity on social media platforms in South Africa


Speaker Activity
Habiba Hassan-Wassef (National Research Centre, Egypt) Update on Egypt’s ongoing nationwide  strategies for food and nutrition security and agricultural transformation       
Moderator:  Saa Dittoh (University for Development Studies, Ghana) Open forum: How to leverage FERN to contribute to transformation of Africa’s food systems
Samuel Oti (IDRC) Remarks
Amos Laar (University of Ghana, MEALS4NCDs) Closing Remarks